The course was iriginally made by the Agile Education Research -group and was modernized, extended and modified by the Algorithmic Cheminformatics Group, Faculty of Engineering, Bielefeld Univeristy.
The course material was extended, modified and translated by Prof. Dr. Daniel Merkle.
The course material was originally written by Arto Hellas (né Vihavainen) and Matti Luukkainen. The following individuals have also contributed to the material (in alphabetical order):
- Antti Laaksonen
- Antti Leinonen
- Henrik Nygren
- Joel Kaasinen
- Juhana Laurinharju
- Juho Leinonen
- Martin Pärtel
- Matti Paksula
- Mikael Nousiainen
- Nea Pirttinen
- Pekka Mikkola
- Reetta Puska
- Vilma Kangas
The course was translated to English by these individuals (in alphabetical order):
- Ava Heinonen
- Daniel Koch
- Elias Eskelinen
- Henrik Nygren (Coordinator)
- Jesper Kuutti
- Jesper Pettersson
- Joel Hassan
- Kaius Koivunen
- Kalle Belmo
- Reetta Puska
- Tero Tapio
The course material is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0-license.
Technology used in this course
The original course page has been made by Henrik Nygren and Antti Leinonen.
Originally the automatic programming assignment assessment tool "Test My Code" (or TMC) has been used. It was created by the Agile Education Research group at University of Helsinki. At Bielefeld University Artemis is used for automatic assessment. Artemis is developed at the Technical University of Munich, Applied Software Engineering.